Welcome to Lost Creek Woodworking!
At Lost Creek Woodworking, we are passionate about the timeless art of woodworking. We offer a wide range of classes to help our customers hone their craftsmanship skills and create beautiful, handcrafted pieces.

Classes are held individually or in groups of 2. There is no set schedule for classes, instead I work with the participant(s) and work around each others schedules. Classes usually run on weekends except for a few times a year when a full week can be dedicated to a build.

Contact me for more information

2023 - 2024 Pricing

Project: Rocking Chair

Duration: 4 weekends

Price: $3,850

Project: Dining Chair

Duration: 3 days

Price: $1,500

Project: Bar Stool

Duration: 5 days

Price: $1,850